Monday, September 25, 2006

Sparkle & Shine

I love being a girl. And one thing I love about being a girl is that I get to smack myself with a pretty purple poof that makes me smell good AND makes me shimmer! What more could a girl want?

Friday, September 22, 2006

That's my puggin bag

How could you look at this sweet faced tag and not want to put this on every bag you have?

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I want to eat my hair cream with a spoon

I use Burts Bees Avacado Hair Treatment to keep me from having dry, frizzy ends. But I have to make sure I eat breakfast first because this stuff smells so good I instantly get hungry.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Today is Talk Like A Pirate Day! To celebrate I give you 2 shopping options, matey:
For the ridiculously wealthy: a fabulous Pirate playhouse for your back yard!
For the rest of us: you can head over to Archie McPhee and check out all their pirate loot.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Cheeky y'all

Finally! Blush that isn't too orangey, not too pinky, not too bronzey, but just right.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Stick it to em

Nothing works better or faster at getting rid of zits for me than Burt's Bees Blemish Stick. I tell ya, I put it on before I go to bed and I wake up zit free. It's practically a miracle worker!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Simply gorgeous

While I'm a huge fan of color, I like my serving pieces to be crisp white. That way everything matches and it show cases your food in such a pretty way. I have every white piece of the Simple Additions line at Pampered Chef. They nest inside each other for easy storage, they are chip resistant (a must for a klutz like me), and are microwave and dishwasher safe. You can arrange the pieces in all sorts of fun ways and my buffets at parties always look great because the colors of the food just pop!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

You'll flat out love these

These containers will make you a Tupperware fan if you aren't already. And really, you should be- Tupperware lasts forever and is just awesome. Flat out containers smash flat to store and open either all the way, or little by little depending on how much leftover food you have. Genius! We take them flat to the parents' house for dinner so we can score next day's lunch!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Gimme the light

This tea light holder from IKEA is one of my favorite things. I keep a few stocked in my gift closet (why not when it's a fabulous gift for less than $10!), and I keep one in my house. I use it everywhere- on the mantle, linked in a circle around the umbrella out on the deck while we're eating at the patio table, along a window sill, snaking down the center of the dining table, everywhere!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Bombay, Baby!

I'm so mad at Bombay Company. You may have seen their kid's site- Bombay Kids, but now they've come out with Bombay Baby. And while I'm all for more shopping options, I'm mad because I had already decided on a design plan for Ling Ling's nursery, and now there are way too many fabulous options! Bugs! Bohemian Chic! Gigi! And the furniture, my word, the furniture! I will have to rob a bank or win the lottery, but it would so be worth it just to furnish LL's room with the antique black collection. The changing table, the petite dresser, holy cow, I've got to wipe the drool off my computer screen. It's all too much!

Grow baby, grow baby, grow!

I like variety and choices when decorating, and I found both when shopping for growth charts at Distinctive Nurseries. I especially love this Japanese Garden chart- girlie, yet modern. Functional art- you can't beat that.

Play ball!

I really like the way Pier 1 Kid's interprets themes. It isn't so in your face. Like this baseball lamp. Subtle without being too cutesie. Your little slugger will be able to grow with his room, and you'll hit a decorating home run.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Nutty feet

Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Creme is the only product I've found that keeps my feet from turning into horse's hooves. I wear Crocs all the time and my heels can get pretty crusty. All I have to do is slather some of this awesome smelling creme on before I go to bed and I wake up with cutesie tootsies that won't scare my husband!

Luigi Luigi

I've loved Koziol for a long time and have quite a few of their fun items. I already have a perfectly useful spoon rest but it sure isn't as cute as Luigi!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Hot Heads

I'm a fan of kitchen helpers that are made into fun shapes with fun colors. I love these silicone hot mitts. I'm partial to the little frog.

Junk in his trunk

I love tea pots- goes back to me Irish roots- and I want to start collecting cute tea pots to display on top of my cabinets. I love this little guy with his monkey friend that I saw over at Z Gallerie.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Write on!

I love this stationary so much I'm afraid I'd hoard it and keep it all to myself instead of sharing it like a good girl should.

Lil MJ

Crocs is now making the cutie pie Mary Jane style in kid's sizes. Kids get all the fun colors.


I love hooks. I especially love pretty hooks like this one I found at Anthropologie. I picked up one for Ling Ling's room and now I wish I had a bunch of them.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Son of Moustachio

Son of Moustachio is just as much fun to say as it must be to own. Sounds like a superhero with fancy facial hair. Perfect gift for that dude you know who's still rockin the ole 'stache.

Dyson goes pink!

Now cleaning is all cute and girly. At Target. $40 from the sale of each DC07 Pink will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation which currently funds over 100 researchers throughout the world working to prevent and cure breast cancer.


Hey y'all! I keep finding all these cute things online and in stores that I just love and want to share with all my peeps, yo. So I thought I'd create a little shopping blog to keep track of all this fabulous stuff!

About me

  • I'm Shannon
  • From The Carolinas, United States
  • I am married, adopting our first child, a pug mommy, klutzy, freakish about the mail, loving IKEA, stationary, Target, pirates, shoes and purses, a list maker, a major planner, passionate, loud talking, and big laughing.
My profile


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